
You will be exploring this alongside me as it is an area of painting that I have only just become aware of.  Sure I noticed it a few years back and saw the impact that it has on a painting but it is only in the past few  months that complexity has become an obsession.

I would suggest that like colour, if you are still internalizing the other concepts then give yourself a break and hold on a little.  Go back to brushtroke, concept and contrast and spend more time with them, then head over to colour and finally come here.

But why should you pay attention to Complexty?  Because you are painting for humans and we love complexity. Complexity engages us, it stimulates us, it evokes the imagination and at it’s root, it allows us to imbue the painting with meaning.  It is this last point that makes complexity different to complicated and what makes it special

Start digging into complexity with these articles

"Be reasonable, not comfortable with your choices"leanne m christie logo  ©2024 Leanne M Christie

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